The MemCCSea aims at developing hyper compact membrane systems for flexible operational and cost-effective post-combustion
CO2 capture in maritime applications, including Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) carrier ships and floating vessels (FSRU and FPSO) used by the offshore oil and gas industry. The ultimate goal of the project is to provide a feasible design and pilot demonstration capable to achieve higher than the state-of-the-art performance, meeting the following key targets:
The key technological challenge of the MemCCSea proposal is the development of customized compact carbon capture and separation membrane systems and potential CO2storage options, taking into account the unique challenges posed by the maritime environment, stringent safety requirements and the need for energy efficiency. Two types of innovative membrane-based CO2 capture technologies will be investigated: i) Ceramic Gas-Liquid Membrane Contactors and ii) Polymeric Mixed Matrix Membrane Permeators and the developed systems will be evaluated and optimized in laboratory- and pilot-scale experimental facilities and through extensive modelling and simulation at component and system levels. At the end of the project both membrane technologies will attain the goal of TRL 5-6. Process simulation activities will evaluate the feasibility of these technologies at TRL 7, while model-based assessment will explore the applicability of the proposed solution at TRL 8-9.
The MemCCSea project results will be fully transferable to other CO2capture applications, contributing to the fight against global warming and will enable the maritime transport sector to meet future stringent regulations.